Download Book CrimComics Issue 4: Social Disorganization Theory - E-Book - Original PDF

Original PDF by Krista S. Gehring, Michael R. Batista
Format: Original PDF Language: English Publisher: Oxford University Press (November 9, 2017) Publitshion date: 2017 ISBN: 9780190207175, 9780190861322, 9782300861321
CrimComics offers a new way to approach criminological theory by engaging students with impactful, highly visual illustrated texts. Each CrimComics Issue traces the development of the theory--placing it in social and political context--and demonstrates its application to the real world. The last page of each Issue features review questions and key terms.Issue 4, Social Disorganization Theory, introduces students to sociological, community-based theories that analyze key aspects of neighborhood collectives like social disorganization, collective efficacy, and street culture in an effort to understand crime. Other issues include Issue 1: Origins of Criminology, Issue 2: Biology and Criminality, and Issue 3: Classical and Neoclassical Criminology.
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